CTechDecember 23rd, 2020

Lotan Levkowitz: How to Raise Money for Early-Stage Startups

Lotan Levkowitz, co-founder and General Partner at leading Israeli VC fund Grove Ventures, provides insights, along with other investors, into the current state of early-stage investments in the Israeli tech market. They highlight the resilience of the Israeli tech market during the pandemic and the accelerated rate of digitalization in various sectors. The hottest fields for investment are related to the computing industry, artificial intelligence, digital health, and technologies that support remote work and collaboration. The investors also offer tips for entrepreneurs looking to raise early-stage capital, such as focusing on creating products that can be sold digitally and being customer-centric in their approach. They also emphasize the importance of standing out and adapting to the changing market conditions.

>> Click here to read the full article originally published in Calcalist: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3883552,00.html