The Jerusalem PostFebruary 25th, 2020

Grove Ventures and SNC Israel Industry 4.0 Week: Full steam ahead as Israel powers fourth industrial revolution

Israeli start-ups are playing a significant role in driving the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, which involves the digitization of global production and supply chains. The Israel Industry 4.0 (II 4.0) Week showcased Israel’s innovation and attracted investors and representatives from multinational corporations. Grove Ventures, a top Israel VC fund, along with Start-Up Nation Central and Deloitte, organized the pivotal event. Israeli companies, like those that Grove invests in, received substantial venture capital funding in Industry 4.0 technologies, trailing only the United States and China. Israel’s emergence as a leader in Industry 4.0 is comparable to its thriving automotive technology sector, despite the absence of a domestic automotive manufacturing industry.

>> Click here to read the full article originally published in The Jerusalem Post: Full steam ahead as Israel powers fourth industrial revolution