CalcalistAugust 15th, 2024

Lior Handelsman on The Rise of Defense Tech Startups and The Role of VCs (Hebrew)

Grove Ventures‘ General Partner Lior Handelsman was interviewed for Calcalist and shared his insights on how reservists returning from the battlefield are founding startups in defense technologies, and how the world’s best VCs are taking part in this.

Since October 7, Lior has spent much time in reserve duty, and has been able to see for himself the innovative ideas and technologies that reservists have been putting into practice, even developing devices and software on the spot. So, ironically, out of this crisis a new industry is growing in Israel, which has already caught the eye of international investment bodies who come here to see startups of a completely new kind with solutions not seen before.

‘Right now, everything is happening incredibly fast. In the last two months I have seen over 20 startups in the defense sector.’ Lior told Calcalist.

>> Click here to read the full article (Hebrew):

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